
3D Clothing Design Software Reconfigures Success in the Fashion Sector

The fashion industry is known to shift billions of clothing items every year. Fashion shows are held within six months, basically the entire fashion or style changes in every season. Whatever is “in” won’t continue to be in trend after some time. All these developments come at the cost of environmental, rising concerns among various brand owners and environmentalists. The customization is the best alternative possible to correct all the wrongdoings. The online fashion designing software helps brands to implement the idea of slow fashion with advanced technologies.


3D Clothing Design Software Helps Reconfiguring Success in the Fashion Sector 


At its current rate, the fashion industry’s greenhouse gas emissions will surge more than 50 percent in the same period, per the United Nations Environment Programme. The year 2030 is important: it’s the deadline by which the Paris Agreement goals say emissions need to reduce in order to keep global warming below a 1.5° Celsius increase. Companies such as Farfetch have launched consumer fashion footprint tool to let buyers understand how to track the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions and how their pre-owned and conscious fashion choices can impact the planet.


These days, innovative tools have made it possible for brands and consumers to check the material of the product before purchasing to reduce the environmental impact of the purchase and to see the ecological savings of incorporating pre-owned purchases into their wardrobes. To fix the problem, economists say that instead of “green growth,” which argues for green technologies and efficiencies to reduce global emissions to decouple them from increased economic activity, the industry must focus on “post-growth. “which rethinks levels of consumption and production.


Here are a few steps that will help you to attain sustainable fashion:


  • Take Baby Steps 


Though a handful of business houses, such as H&M, Mango, Levi’s, and some small businesses, focus on sustainability.  These factors boost start-ups like Teatum Jones, British womenswear, which was started four years ago, has reduced its SKUs by up to 60 percent, but its sell-through rate is more reliable. The business hasn’t shrunk, but growth has slowed, explains creative director Catherine Teatum. “This slowing is more manageable; we don’t have the emotional trauma or pressure for constant newness that we used to.”  Thus, explaining the adoption of sustainable fashion helps in boosting sales.


Understandably, fashion brands can’t revamp their business model overnight, but taking baby steps will undoubtedly lead them to the sustainability path. The firms have to reconfigure the meaning of “success,” though, for short-term plans, this may seem too much to achieve, but in the long run, such innovative solutions will be profitable and will help you to set apart. Our pattern design software allows brands to redefine themselves with sustainable fashion growth options.



  • Changing pace for luxury brands


The more significant players are beginning to rethink operations. Gucci joined brands calling for change amid the crisis. Two coalitions formed to slow down the fashion calendar while limiting discounting and the British Fashion Council and the Council of Fashion Designers of America united around a similar message, nodding toward fashion’s need to reduce excessive production.

For the global fashion industry, worth an estimated US$2.5 trillion annually, being smarter and more sustainable might just be the way to recover from staggering losses caused by COVID-19.


  • Consumers Demanding Sustainability 


When Farftech conducted a study to gain insight into consumers’ shopping behavior. It revealed that of the 3,000 people surveyed, 51 percent in the US said over half of their wardrobe is made up of pre-owned items, this fell slightly to 42 percent in the UK and down to 21 percent in China, however, on average those consumers purchased eight pre-owned items in 2019. Thus, explaining the rising awareness of sustainable fashion among buyers. They always check the quality of the product, sustainable aspects, and price before purchasing the product.


The top four reasons for buying pre-owned were better price, rare item, environmental causes, and pleasant experience. The report found that the displacement average was 57 percent overall from pre-owned fashion purchases. This prevented people from buying something new; this was higher in the US and UK at 65 percent.  When it comes to the environmental impact of buying pre-owned, on average, one pre-loved purchase can save 1 kilogram of waste, 3,040 liters of water, and 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide.




The bottom line of the blog is that the fashion industry needs to continue looking for ways to prosper with less volume. This is the appropriate time for apparel companies to think and get rid of the conventional methods to become resilient. The pattern design software by iDesigniBuy helps apparel manufacturers and retailers to provide sustainable space with its latest digital customization solutions.


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